Wallpanel installation
Check that the panels are undamaged and com ply with the required project rendering. In case of NON-conformity, DO NOT install the panels and contact the Adria Art Sales Department.
The surface must be flat, clean and free of dust. The panel can also be installed over an existing ceramic covering, which must be well fixed and dry. In the case of walls with the presence of humidity and/or mould, it is absolutely necessary to set up some waterproofing treatments before the wallpanel is installed.
The same tools that are used to cut wood can be used, such as a jigsaw, but also a coarse-bladed cutter with an upholsterer’s ruler. For cutting, such as a jigsaw, but also a coarse-bladed cutter with an upholsterer’s ruler. For drilling holes, use a drill with a hole cutter or iron drill bits. Draw the perimeter of the hole on the printed side of the panel, apply paper tape to the perimeter of the hole and drill on the printed side (NOT on the back of the panel). Do not use a striker for drilling.
Turn the wall panel upside down and clean its surface well, place the acetic silicone on the back of the panel. IN THE CASE OF LAYING ON OLD TILES OR IN THE BATHROOM, USE MAPEI’S ULTRABOND ECO MS4 LVT WALL ADHESIVE, DISTRIBUTED EVENLY AND ABUNDANTLY WITH A LONG-HAIR ROLLER. All wall panels are sequentially marked with a number to indicate continuity in the case of several panels. The rendering inside the packaging indicates the layout of the wall panels based on the render design you have confirmed. In the case of a full-height wall, first take the measurements of the wall and compare them with those of all panels to assess any cuts. Start from one side of the wall and mark a vertical line with a pencil to position the first panel. If there is excess glue, clean it off immediately with a sponge. End or corner profiles are also available to complete the installation